
Our history dates back to 1861 when many of the fishermen decided to set up an independent Church.  In 1863 a Church building was erected, built by the fishermen in their spare time.  In 1870 the congregation joined the Evangelical Union – and thus came to be known as the ‘EU’.  In 1896 the Congregational Union and the Evangelical Union (EU) united and formed the Congregational Union of Scotland.   Whilst the EU no longer existed, most kept the name to reflect their history.  

In 1987 Eyemouth left the Congregational Union of Scotland and remained unaffiliated to other national organisations.  In 2000 Eyemouth joined with the Congregational Federation in Scotland which were the Congregations that had stayed out of the Congregational Church uniting with the United Reformed Church.  We are also members of the Congregational Federation.  

Locally, we are members of East Berwickshire Churches Together and work with brothers and sisters from different Christian traditions to share the Gospel of Jesus with our communities.